Media Coverage of Our Works in 2018

Jan 3, 2019 Siaran Pers

Working in human rights movement is so challenging. Our voice rarely be shut down by those who have power. But, we believe that discourses about human rights have to be communicated widely. We thank to media workers for helping us by reporting our work in human rights so that message about humanity delivered well to public. All of your works are precious for our advocacy work, including when we talk about moratorium on death penalty, decriminalisation for people who use drugs, anti stigma and discrimination against LGBT, people living with HIV, and people who has mental issue.

These 19 articles follows that we documented in 2018.

  1. Antara News, Helti Marini Sipayung, 7 Januari 2018, “Paralegal Tekankan Hak
  1. ABC News, Adam Harvey, 11 January 2018, “Indonesian Death Penalty Laws to be Softened to Allow Reformed Prisoners to Avoid Execution.”
  2. The Diplomat, Jack Britton, 12 Januari 2018, “Attempt to Criminalize Extral-Martial Sex in Indonesia Fails.”
  3. New Narative, Nithin Coca, 29 January 2018, “The War on Drugs in Southeast Asia.”
  4. SBS News, 9 Februari 2018, “Indonesia Pushes for Gay, Pre-marital Sex Ban.”
  5. Daily Mail, Alex Green, 9 Februari 2018, “Indonesia to Make Gay Sex Ilegal as Wave of Religious Fundamentalism Sweeps The Country.”
  6. The Guardian, Stanley Widianto, 13 Februari 2018, “Indonesia Is About to Outlaw Homosexual Sex. Can We Stop It?
  7. Emol, 20 Ferbruari 2017, “Polémica reforma: Indonesia evalúa penar con hasta 9 años de cárcel las relaciones homosexuales y extramaritales.”
  8. Jakarta Globe, 14 March 2018, “7 Things You Need to Know About Criminal Code Revamp.”
  9. Ians Live, 20 March 2018, “Protest Against Execution of Indonesia Man in Saudi Arabia.”
  10. Jakarta Post, April 13 2018, \”Police told to treat drug users fairly after letting lawmaker\’s son go.\”
  11. SBS, April 15 2018, Nurhadi Sucahyo, Foreigner drug users in Indonesia
  12. Tech in Asia, Nadine Freischlad, April 17 2018, \”Why a Facebook ban is unlikely in Indonesia.\”
  13. DW, May 1 2018, “Indonesia: Why Underage Girls are Marrying”
  14. Observers, 30 May 2018, “Police Moeurs Patrouille Islamites Trasgeneres Gay LGBT Java”
  15. HRWF, Mei 31 2018, “Indonesia : Islamic Hardliners Detain Transwomen”
  16. The Jakarta Post, June 22 2018, “Civil Group Deplores Death Sentence of Terrorist Aman Abdurrahman”
  17. El Correo, 7 November 2018
  18. Jakarta Globe, Bayu Maherjati, June 22 2018, “JAD Leader Aman Abdurrahman Sentenced to Death.”
  19. The Global Post, Ainur Rohmah, December 15 2018, “More Persecution Against LGBT in Indonesia as Election Nears.”

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